Presenting a slide show in your browser or via the desktop app is easiest if you have two monitors, but can be done if you have just one display. We recommend having another person who is able to manage the meeting for you from another deivce, alternatively, you can join the meeting on your mobile device as well (just make sure you aren't logged in there as well or you will kick yourself out!). Using the drive feature to present a PTT file is best for this reason as long as there are no complicated animations or videos in the PPT file. Below are the instructions for both methods.


Share your entire screen (Mac or Windows)

1. Quit all inessential applications before you begin the meeting

As you will be sharing your whole desktop, just make sure anything you don’t want participants to see is closed.

2. Open the Powerpoint file you wish to share

Before the meeting starts, have the file/s you want to use in the meeting open and ready to go.

3. Share your entire screen

After clicking on the ‘Share’ button, just make sure you select to share your entire screen, rather than an individual application window. The reason for this, is that when you ‘present’ a Powerpoint document, it essentially opens a second application, for Windows users especially, unless you are sharing your whole desktop, participants won’t see the presentation. 

Presenting via Microsoft PowerPoint on Mac with one monitor

  1. Open PowerPoint but don't yet begin the Slide Show presentation.

  2. Click 'Share' > 'Share my screen'

  3. Select the 'Window' tab

  4. Click on the PowerPoint application window

  5. Initiate the Slide Show

  6. Participants will see the full presentation of the PPT file

  7. To see the meeting room at any point without ending the presentation and/or to stop screen sharing, swipe up with 3 fingers to see all active application windows and select the meeting room window.

OR on a Mac, if you prefer that people don't see the powerpoint file before beginning the presentation:

  1. Open PowerPoint

  2. Initiate the Slide Show

  3. Swipe up with 3 fingers to see all active application windows

  4. Click on the window with the meeting room window

  5. Click 'Share' > 'Share my screen'

  6. Select the 'Application window' tab

  7. Two windows will show for PowerPoint, ensure that you click on the window that shows the full screen presentation

  8. Participants will see the full presentation of the PPT file

  9. Swipe up with 3 fingers to see all active application windows

  10. Click on the PPT presentation window to begin the presentation

Presenting via Microsoft PowerPoint on Windows with one monitor

  1. Open the PowerPoint file in PowerPoint.

  2. Initiate the Slide Show

  3. On your keyboard, hit the Windows key and select the Browser or Desktop app window where you see the meeting room.

  4. Click 'Share' > 'Share my screen'

  5. Select the 'Window' tab

  6. Click on the PowerPoint application Presentation window (the view that does not show the thumbnails)

  7. Participants will see the full presentation of the PPT file

  8. To see the meeting room at any point without ending the presentation and/or to stop screen sharing, hit the Windows key again and select the Browser or Desktop app window where you see the meeting room.

Presenting via the 'Drive' feature (Mac or Windows)

  1. Click 'Share' > 'Present files & media'

  2. Drag and drop or select 'Upload files' to upload the PPT file to present

  3. OR if the file is already uploaded to your Drive, select the 'From my content library' tab

  4. Ensure the correct file is selected

  5. Click 'Present'

  6. Participants will see the full presentation of the PPT file and the host wiill see thumbnails on the left hand side to navigate easily through the presentation